Video library
111 videos 18 categories
VBP by MedFlyt (27 Videos)

Caregivers training - VBP By MedFlyt - Lesson 1.1: Introduction02:10

Caregivers training - VBP By MedFlyt - Lesson 1.2: The Plan of Care02:27

Caregivers training - VBP By MedFlyt - Lesson 1.3: What To Do When There Is a Problem02:31

Caregivers training - VBP By MedFlyt - Lesson 2.1: Social Determinants of Health01:46

Caregivers training - VBP By MedFlyt - Lesson 2.2: Social Determinants of Health - Housing03:05

Caregivers training - VBP By MedFlyt - Lesson 2.3: Social Determinants of Health - Food03:56

Caregivers training - VBP By MedFlyt - Lesson 2.4: Social Determinants of Health - Language03:44

Caregivers Training - VBP By MedFlyt - Lesson 2.5: Social Determinants of Health - Money03:14

Caregivers Training - VBP By MedFlyt - Lesson 2.6: Conclusion01:05

Caregivers Training - VBP By MedFlyt - Lesson 3.1: Communicating with the Patient01:53

Caregivers Training - VBP By MedFlyt - Lesson 3.2: Active Listening and Limiting Distractions03:30

Caregivers Training - VBP By MedFlyt - Lesson 3.3: Active Listening: Summarizing03:00

Caregivers Training - VBP By MedFlyt - Lesson 3.4: Active Listening: Observing Body Language02:42

Caregivers Training - VBP By MedFlyt - Lesson 4.1: Potentially Avoidable Hospitalizations(PAH) Intro03:10

Caregivers Training - VBP By MedFlyt - Lesson 4.2: Alarming Signs: Physical Symptoms03:46

Caregivers Training - VBP By MedFlyt - Lesson 4.3: Alarming Signs: Behavioral Symptoms03:18

Caregivers Training - VBP By MedFlyt - Lesson 4.4: How to Identify Congestive Heart Failure01:36

Caregivers Training - VBP By MedFlyt - Lesson 4.5: How to Identify Sepsis01:37

Caregivers Training - VBP By MedFlyt - Lesson 4.6: How to Identify a Respiratory Infection01:21

Caregivers Training - VBP By MedFlyt - Lesson 4.7: How to Identify Anemia01:02

Caregivers Training - VBP By MedFlyt - Lesson 4.8: How to Identify an Electrolyte Imbalance01:20

Caregivers Training - VBP By MedFlyt - Lesson 4.9: Potentially Avoidable Hospitalizations Conclusion00:51

Caregivers Training - VBP By MedFlyt - 5.1 Evaluation00:30

Caregivers Training - VBP By MedFlyt - 5.2 Evaluation00:38

Caregivers Training - VBP By MedFlyt - 5.3 Evaluation00:36

Caregivers Training - VBP By MedFlyt - 5.4 Evaluation00:43

Caregivers Training - VBP By MedFlyt - 5.5 Evaluation00:43
COVID-19 - The New Normal (10 Videos)

Caregivers Training - COVID-19 - The New Normal - Lesson 1: Introduction to COVID-1904:56

Caregivers Training - COVID-19 - The New Normal - Lesson 2: Myths and Truths About COVID-1903:52

Caregivers Training - COVID-19 - The New Normal - Lesson 3: Symptoms of COVID-1903:08

Caregivers Training - COVID-19 -The New Normal - Lesson 4: People at Increased Risk of Complications01:44

Caregivers Training - COVID-19 - The New Normal - Lesson 5: Self-Checking02:05

Caregivers Training - COVID-19 - The New Normal - Lesson 6: When to Get Tested02:03

Caregivers Training - COVID-19 - The New Normal -Lesson 7: How to Protect Yourself and Your Patients04:18

Caregivers Training - COVID-19 - The New Normal - Lesson 8: In Case of Exposure01:36

Caregivers Training - COVID-19 - The New Normal - Lesson 9: Serving a Patient with Coronavirus02:13

Caregivers Training - COVID-19 - The New Normal - Lesson 10: Conclusion - do’s and don'ts01:58
sexual harassment prevention training (2 Videos)

Sexual Harassment Prevention Training Part 119:ֿ16

Sexual Harassment Prevention Training Part 2: Case Studies22:09
Alzheimer / Dementia (6 Videos)

Caregiver Training: Agitation and Anxiety | UCLA Alzheimer's and Dementia Care Program05:45

Caregiver Training: Wandering | UCLA Alzheimer's and Dementia Care Program04:05

Caregiver Training: Sleep Disturbances | UCLA Alzheimer's and Dementia Care Program05:04

Caregiver Training: Repetitive Phone Calls | UCLA Alzheimer's and Dementia Care Program05:45

Caregiver Training: Repetitive Questions | UCLA Alzheimer's and Dementia Care03:56

Caregiver Training: Sundowning | UCLA Alzheimer's and Dementia Care Program03:39
Elder Abuse (3 Videos)

Elder Abuse - learn the signs06:12

Recognizing & Responding to Elder Abuse in Residential Care17:50

Scenarios of Elder Abuse14:06
Emergency Preparedness (3 Videos)

Emergency Preparedness Planning00:52

Emergency Preparedness Video :: Nursing Homes and Assisted Living Facilities21:09

Home Health Emergency Preparedness05:15
Fall Prevention/ Patients Safety (6 Videos)

Falls Prevention at Home04:03

Senior Safety and Fall Prevention04:35

Fall Prevention in the Home: Changes for Healthy Living (English)15:48

Safe Steps: Fall Prevention for Seniors14:05

Caregiver Training: Home Safety | UCLA Alzheimer's and Dementia Care Program05:44

Patient Safety30:15
Fire Safety (10 Videos)

Home Fire Safety Tips : Home Safety02:43

Microwave Fire Prevention : Fire Prevention02:50

Ways to Clean Up Fire Extinguisher Residue : Home Safety02:32

How to Clean Fire Extinguisher Chemicals After Usage : Fire Prevention03:05

Safety Training for a Fire Extinguisher : Home Safety03:39

Smoke Detector Safety : Fire Prevention03:52

Christmas Holiday Fire Safety Tips : Fire Prevention03:30

How Do I Troubleshoot Smoke Detector Issues? : Fire Prevention02:50

Fire Safety10:21

Basic House Fire Prevention : Fire Prevention04:04
General Caregivers Skills (4 Videos)

Bathing & Dressing06:29

Persons with Dementia: Skills for Addressing Challenging Behaviors26:04

Dental Care06:42

HIPPA Training (4 Videos)

HIPAA Training: What is required for HIPAA Compliance?07:36

HIPAA Training: The HIPAA Privacy Rule05:12

Caregiver Training: Clients' Rights and HIPPA Compliance | CareAcademy04:12

All About: HIPAA06:33
OSHA/Infection Control (7 Videos)

Hand-washing Steps Using the WHO Technique02:05

Hand Hygiene for Healthcare Workers | Hand Washing Soap and Water Technique Nursing Skill06:16

Bloodborne Pathogen Training07:07

Protect Yourself from the Flu03:35

Live Handwashing Presentation09:17

Airborne Pathogens04:13

Proper Disposable Glove Removal00:41
Professional Boundaries (4 Videos)

Crossing the Line Professional Boundaries23:21

Professional Boundaries02:58

Professional Boundaries - Crossings and Violations02:59

Professional Boundaries and Ethics05:08
Transferring Patients (9 Videos)

Transferring From A Bed To A Wheelchair02:41

Transferring a patient from wheelchair to bed with a Reliant 600 and full body sling03:58

Caregiver Tips: Bed to Wheelchair Transfer07:48

How to use a Hoyer Lift04:08

Transfer Skills06:19


Transfer A Client From A Bed Into A Wheelchair11:11


Using a Hoyer Lift07:56
VBP - Breathing (1 Videos)

6 Reasons You May Have Trouble Breathing Freely03:36
VBP - Heart Health (3 Videos)

Mayo Clinic Minute: Women's Heart Attack Symptoms Vary04:53

Know the Early Warning Signs of a Heart Attack02:1

How to Know If You Are Having a Heart Attack01:44
VBP - Nutrition, low salt diet, food consistencies (6 Videos)

What is a Soft Food Consistency?00:36

Salt Shakedown — How to Avoid Hidden Sodium at the Grocery Store05:06

Minced and Moist Sandwich03:51



Mechanical Soft and Puree Textures10:13
VBP - Urinary incontinence (3 Videos)

An Animation on Urinary Incontinence04:25

Symptoms of a UTI01:31

Toileting & Incontinence04:44
HIV / AIDS (3 Videos)

HIV / AIDS - Causes, Symptoms, Treatments & More…01:30

HIV and AIDS – explained in a simple way02:55

What it means to have HIV05:45

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